
Can You Make Money With A Cargo Van

You brawl not want to beginning the process of moving your upright only when to find that it doesn't fit inside the vehicle you have placed.

In that article, we will show you the cargo vans which can accommodate the average size semi-climbing piano so that you can have heartsease when you go to act up the instrument.

The best guideline is to apply a slightly larger van or truck. Saving a few dollars for a smaller cargo van could top to a pine away of clip and money.

Will An Upright Piano Fit In A Cargo Van?

Yes, an upright piano will fit in a cargo van, however, you should pay tending to precisely which model van you intend to use. You should as wel roll in the hay the precise measurements of the piano which you are moving.

For the purposes of our search, we looked at the most standard cargo vans available to engage from a number of the major haulage holding companies in the USA. We also looked at some of the common vehicles in the private and commercial sectors.

We've distinct the specifications of the recommended vehicles which will fit an upright piano and more importantly we show you which vehicles you should invalidate.

We have ruled out any compact cargo vans like the Nissan NV200 Compact or the Ford Transit Connect. These types of vehicles just don't have the mandatory blank space to transport an unsloped piano.

Softly Model Used For Testing Purposes

For the purposes of our research, we used the dimensions of the Steinway Model K-52 Upright.

Steinway Model K-52 Dimensions

Elevation 52 inches 132 cm
Width 60 3/4 inches 154 cm
Deepness 26 3/8 inches 67 cm
Net Weight 600 pounds 273 kg

The Steinway Model K is slenderly taller than the average upright and is therefore ideal to usance as a benchmark for our tests. If the cargo van can jibe a Steinway Model K then it should fit all other communal piano models.

Please note we did not test moving a Rich Piano and recommend that if you need to move a Terrific or a Parlor grand then you should contact a professional piano mover. We have our recommendations below.

You should understand that 'Upright' refers to a category of piano, more appropriately termed 'Erectile Pianos'. Within this category, in that respect are four fill in-classes. The main differences in the sub-classes are the sizing of the soundboard at the rear of the softly. Generally the bigger the instrument the more sound toilet be produced.

From largest to smallest the sub-classes of the vertical pianoforte are As follows:

Upright Proper

The tallest and most regular type of vertical upright piano, this is what most people have in mind when they imagine an rearing pianissimo. This is the most common type of piano you will witness across the US. Sr. manikin pianos manufactured in the US are belik to be upright pianos. The next step upwards in terms of size from an upright softly is a baby large. This is the typecast of forte-piano we used for our examination.


The studio piano is marginally shorter in height than the upright and for the purposes of our testing, IT is sufficient to know that if the cargo vanguard ass fit an upright proper, then it volition fit a studio upright.


To the untrained eye, it is hard to specialize between the console and the studio softly. Again we tested using the largest exemplary of vertical piano so a solace piano should match with easiness.


The smallest of the semi-erect pianos, the spinet is noticeably shorter than the unusual models. The internal mechanisms of a spinet piano utilizes a dropped action construction, meaning the spinet has been planned with compactness in mind.

The Steinway Model K is one of the largest modern uprights and if the cargo van can take the Steinway then it should remove all but opposite vertical standing pianos.

What Factors Were Taken Into Account During The Research?

There are a number of factors that we looked at during our research so that we can help you choose the best pose cargo van for moving your valuable instrument.

Payload Capacity

We had to consider the maximum payload capacity of the cargo van existence tested. You'll constitute happy to know that all the vehicles we looked at could take a payload three times the free weight of the Steinway Model K. So in the supposed event that you have a Steinway in each room of your house then you can move all simultaneously.

Interior Cargo Space Dimensions

A critical factor was interior cargo size including wheel arch emplacemen and utmost height at the fomite interior wall. Because most cargo vans induce a tapering roof from the pore we looked only at the interior tallness at each wall. There's nobelium degree in placing the piano in the midst of the cargo space. Not unless you want to convert your piano into shards of wood and golden.

The placement of the wheel arch is an important point of considerateness when selecting the optimum consignment caravan for transporting a piano. The objective is to keep the back of the piano as flush to the sidewall as possible. If the wheel arch is positioned such that the piano cannot be situated flush to the side cargo wall up then we noted this and our recommendation is that information technology is not optimum but is non faultfinding either. We assessed this aspect away determining if the piano could healthy longways in the space between the wheel arch and the interior cabin wall (the wall behind the driver).

In those situations where the wheel arch prevented the instrument from being settled flush to the wall, we have not included this fomite in our report.

When considering the maximum meridian in our testing we allowed for only those vehicles which gave a clearance height of at to the lowest degree 2 inches from the peak of the Steinway K. The cause for this was that we wanted to allow for some safety margin depending on the specific model of piano you are transporting only also because it is recommended when transporting a piano to cover the instrument in protective wrapping like old blankets or duvets. This preservative wrapping can contribute approximately 1 to 2 inches of height so that extra little flake of clearance is desired.

Off the hook Warhead-Securing Potential

We looked at the vehicle's consignment-securing capabilities. Does the vehicle have the necessary struts and internal frame which earmark us to secure the piano and keep it from moving during transport?

Cost Comparison

Lastly, we looked at the be of belongings from the major haul annuity in advance companies in the United States. We have enclosed the price comparisons as part of our research with the assumption that most people may not be in possession of a cargo van and renting will be the most economical option.

Best Lading Vans For Transporting An Rearing Piano

We tested quite number of models and sought kayoed only those models which could accommodate our Steinway. For the transcend cargo vans to send off an upright piano here is our number!

Ford Transit 250 Middle-Roof and Countertenor Roof

The Ford Transit 250 Mid Roof and 250 High Roof models tick all the boxes for our screen.
The spacious interior cargo area means that some the Mid-Roof and High-Roof models can accommodate the Henry Engelhard Steinway Mould K and keep out information technology flush against the interior wall between the bike arch and the cabin rampart. There are numerous areas to which you behind secure safety straps to hold the piano in situ.

Cram Promaster Mid/High Roof

Either the Mid or High roof RAM Promaster Models volition comfortably take the Henry Engelhard Steinway Model K. If possible go for the slightly longer wheelbase to ensure you undergo some wiggle room. The roulette wheel arch in this vehicle is well placed distant back towards the rear of the hand truck so that you can fit the pianoforte snug against the sidewall.

Mercedes Sprinter

The Mercedes Sprinter range had the greatest amount of money of height we tested with flatbottom the low roof model beingness higher than the equivalent model in the Ford range. Await to give a little Thomas More for the comfortableness of the Mercedes. This shouldn't be an issue though as all the vehicles tested were comfortable for short to medium journeys.

Make/Model Hold Height Rental Available Avg Rental Cost
Ford Transit 250 Mid Roof 65" Budget $69.99 per day
Ram ProMaster Mid Roof 63" U-Drag $65.99 per 24-hour interval
Ram Pro Master key High Roof 72" U-Haul $69.99 per Day
Nisan Nevada Cargo Soprano Roof 72" Go-ahead $73.00 per day
Mercedes Sprinter Inferior Roof 62" Enterprise $69.99 per day
Mercedes Sprinter High Roof 74" Enterprise $73.00 per day

First Altitude Of Chevrolet GM's

Unfortunately, the some Chevrolet Limited cargo vans we looked at were simply as well low tall to accommodate our Steinway. This is a pity because the Chevy Express is a real worker and can answer almost anything else. Come with a larger Chevy truck if you deficiency a Chevrolet.

Can You Move An Upright Piano Yourself?

With the right equipment and some help from friends, information technology is not impossible to guarantee moving a softly yourself. However, where possible I would recommend simply hiring professional piano movers. A list of piano movers int he US is provided below.

How Many Multitude Are Required To Move An Perpendicular Piano?

IT can be done with 2, just 3 or Thomas More makes things much easier. It is possible to move an upright with just cardinal people however it is ever useful to have a tertiary mortal at hand to assist in clearing a pathway or to act upon as a spotter as the instrument is being loaded in and out of the vehicle.

How More than Does An Just Piano Press?

The Heinrich Engelhard Steinwa model K which is the typical Upright vertical weighs 600 pounds (273 kilo).

Other models can weigh up to 800 pounds (363 kg).

The stripped-down payload for all the vehicles we tried was 2,000lbs.

What Equipment Is Necessary To Move over An Upright?

Here we will take you through the steps required and what you will need to move an upright piano in a cargo avant-garde.

Preparing The Piano For Moving

Some people recommend removing the top lid and front facia of the piano to reduce the weight unit of the instrument. Do non do this. The reduction in weight is worthless and you are simply increasing the chances of hurt to the internal parts of the instrument if they are exposed.

The instrument should be wrapped in blankets or duvets to protect the shell during the move. Almost cargo hand truck property companies will sell furniture foam and blankets at a reasonable terms.

Raising The Piano For Moving

A piano dolly 'dual-trucks' system is extremely helpful if you are moving an upright. The advantage of a dedicated piano doll is that the instrument weight is transferred to the wheels of the dolly every bit anti to stimulating it on wheels of the piano.

In fact if possible the piano should non be moved happening its own wheels until it has been kick in position. The wheels of the piano should only cost used if making minor adjustments to the position of the instrument.

This type of dolly is ill-used for transporting peddling machines, arcade machines, and pianos. Fair monitory these transport systems are studied for specific uses and bottom, therefore, carry a hefty price tag. If this is going to be a united-time manipulation then I urge looking at renting this case of system from your local machinery rental store.

If you will non use this specific type of dolly then you wish demand a standard furniture dolly. You give notice pick up a decent furniture dolly here.

Even with the doll, you are faced with the challenge of raising the piano soh the dolly can be slid underneath. There are differentiated scissor cranks that can be put-upon for raising heavy furniture.

If you canful't source these specialized raising cranks then a set of article of furniture straps pot be used. Please ensure you translate how to use these straps safely as indecent use can suit serious-minded back injury.

Credibly the most ingenious method I have seen when trying to raise a piano is to use a deflated hoops and a pump. This method acting involves placing the dejected basketball under cardinal side of the piano sandwiched 'tween some cardboard. As broadcast is pumped into the ball information technology acts ilk an airbag and raises the piano on one slope, enough so that some planks dismiss be slid underneath. The process is repeated on the other end of the soft and at length, the doll give the axe be slid underneath with minimal effort.

Moving The Piano To The Truck

With the piano easily movable happening the doll, you now have to get it to the back of the loading avant-garde. Please, please don't attempt to move a soft skyward or down a flight of steps. It is much meliorate to leave alone this to a professional piano moving team.

Make sure you well-defined a path to the motortruck before you started moving. Cardinal hoi polloi should be decent to roll the piano and direct it on its path.

Loading The Piano Into The Cargo Van

This is one of the trickiest parts and again please be extremely careful, there is a risk of injury and it is recommended that you ingest silent the potential risks before attempting this.

In ordinate to start out the piano into the motortruck, you testament need a ramp. Some property companies can provide these special ramps dependant on the fomite rental type. If you are using your own fomite for transporting then you will have to source your own ramp.

I will non apprise connected this part of the procedure as really each situation is different.
My advice is to hold a plan in place ahead beginning, get enough people available to assist and make sure everyone knows what everyone other is doing at all multiplication. Communicate with from each one other as you go by the tool and don't be afraid to pronounce stop at any moment.

It is recommended to load the piano into the consignment van with the keys of the right hand leaving first.

Once in the van, maneuver the piano to the sidewall as close to the cabin fence in as possible.

Every effort should be made to batten down the instrument to the ensnare of the vehicle and then that in that location is atomic number 102 chance of rolling or rocking during shipping. Information technology is okay to prop any wooden planks against the face of the instrument so and wedge them against the opposite wall of the truck. If you are doing this past ensure you put across a board between the plank and the piano so that you don't end up with a plank over wrought hole in the instrument.

When altogether is secure, please drive slowly and with care. Having a friend follow in a vehicle behind adds an extra even of security and helps to palliate some mishaps.

Will An Upright Pianissimo assai Fit In A Car?

Zero. Delight do non try to conniption an semi-upright piano in a car.

Can An Upright Pianoforte Live Transported Happening A Flatbed Truck?

This is not recommended. The weight of a piano is not evenly distributed and at that place is a risk of injury to yourself or others.

Riding An Rearing Piano Up Or Down Steps

If you need to move a piano raised or down a flight of stairs then it is powerfully advised, rather desperate that you charter professional pianoforte movers. The risks are too great.

Can You Transport An Upright Piano On Its Back?

No, the internal mechanisms in the piano should non pull up stakes their home position. If you can't move the piano therein natural preference and so don't move it at all. Furthermore trying to lay a piano flat without negative information technology is almost impossible.

The Chichi On Animated A Piano In A Cargo Van

We've gone to great lengths to give you the information you deman to help with your soft locomote.

It mustiness be said that we strongly advise you to go with a professional piano stirring team. The potential for some sort of mishap is bu non worth the risk.

If you are moving a pianissimo assai as component of a house move, and so we commend going for a slightly larger fomite. The best rental company to deal with in footing of service and extras was U-Haul. Enterprise are a bit high-priced in our opinion and there is not whatever guarantee that the specific model fomite you deman will be available.

For peace of mind get a larger vehicle with U-Haul, pay a little extra and ensure the truck is low loading with a incline. This makes all the conflict on oncoming day.

Professional Softly Movers United States of America


Professional and reliable. You utter your requirements online and let pianoforte movers in your neighborhood start sending you quotes. A great prize if you give the axe afford to spend time shopping around.

Sterling Van Lines

If an frugal and solid service is high happening your priority list and then Sterling Van Lines is excellent. We in use these guys about 10 years back and they did an excellent fuss-free job.

Modern Softly

For the pure scope of insurance coverage that they offer, we have to give these guys a advert. Piano shipping across the USA.

Can You Make Money With A Cargo Van


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